Which facial beauty treatments should you choose?


The cucumber is trying its best for our face. It lightens discoloration, makes it more elastic, eliminates bacteria or reduces swelling. Perhaps he would rather be eaten, but he will also accept the beautifying role. However, these are not the times when we only have it at our disposal, because the cosmetic world has moved on. This does not mean the elimination of natural ingredients, but the adaptation of treatments to individual needs, and thus their greater effectiveness. What facial treatments do we currently have to choose from?

Let’s talk face to face

What does our skin need? This is the basic question that the beautician is interested in once we get to her. However, we can look at ourselves and try to answer this question. The first symptoms of the passing of time begin to be observed after the age of 30. This is probably due to a decrease in the production of estrogen, and thus the regenerative capacity of the skin begins to weaken. This is a good time to start your career with treatments that support this skin function. That’s where the cucumber’s non-nutritive colleagues, like collagen, coenzyme Q10, and hyaluronic acid, should come in. They promote skin regeneration, water binding, oxygenation and free radical elimination.


For example, Medesthetic Pro Contra treatments will improve the condition of dry, dehydrated and dull skin. Hyaluronic acid used here stimulates cell renewal, makes it elastic, brightens, and improves the skin’s natural barrier against harmful factors. In addition, there are other ingredients, such as peptides or vitamin E, which additionally improve the appearance and color of the skin and promote repair processes. Undoubtedly, vitamin C also helps our complexion. The Vit C forte treatment, in addition to its anti-wrinkle effect, also supports the anti-sun barrier, prevents discoloration and has an anti-inflammatory effect, e.g. in the treatment of acne.

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What does our face need?

Loss of skin firmness or the oval of the face, visible mimic wrinkles are the result of the more and more noticeable loss of collagen fibers after the age of 40. The resistance to harmful radiation or other external factors is also weakening. Our skin then needs more than the one after 30 years of age. As the number of sebaceous glands in the skin in its 40s decreases, it dries faster, becomes more sensitive and thinner. The care should include: peptides, retinol, a solid complex of vitamins A, C and E, hyaluronic acid, ceramides or coenzyme Q10. Microdermabrasion and peelings are treatments that not only cleanse the skin, but also facilitate the deep penetration of active ingredients. Therefore, they should appear here as frequent and systematic treatments

Treatments with platelet-rich plasma, on the other hand, are an excellent solution supporting the multiplication and maturation of epidermal cells, stimulating DNA synthesis or activating microcirculation. Spilantol Mimical Effect is a non-invasive treatment that reduces facial wrinkles and improves its oval. Spilantol is a plant extract of electric echinacea, which has been used in aesthetic medicine in connection with the function of inhibiting muscle contractions, including those mimic. In addition to this ingredient, the treatment also uses Niacinamide, which stimulates the synthesis of ceramides that improve hydration, elasticity and the condition of the epidermis barrier. There are also peptides, hyaluronic acid and gluconolactone, which is a natural antioxidant.

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The laser a friend of our skin

The thing about the laser is that it can remodel and regenerate the skin both on the surface and so deeply that no other treatment is equal to it. Its effects are obtained after 3 series of treatments at intervals of approx. 5 weeks. It gives excellent results in closing capillaries, eliminating spider veins. It will also work well in reducing stretch marks or scars. The Ellipse L2PL laser is a treatment for the entire face and is suitable for reducing unnecessary hair, removing discoloration, treating acne or improving the condition of the skin damaged by excessive sunlight. Ellipse laser is a very good anti-aging treatment as it stimulates deep parts of the skin to produce collagen and by micro-damaging it with laser beams it stimulates the skin to regenerate itself.


In fact, everything depends on the regularity of treatments, the aim of which is initially to care for hydration, oxygenation and generally good condition of the skin, to take over the weakening functions of the skin in terms of its ability to regenerate over time. Thanks to this, you will be able to enjoy healthy, firm skin and a youthful appearance for longer.

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